Despite its challenges, 2023 was successful for HydX

Looking back on the past year gives us the opportunity to reflect and, once again, happily declare that HydX has met its own high expectations.  
We are strong and confident as we head into our anniversary year, 2024. 

DSC05151Approximately one year ago, the economic forecast predicted a downturn and there was talk of very uncertain times. This forecast came true and 2023 has been a turbulent year in which global happenings have had a major impact on our daily work. Initially, we faced significant challenges when it came to prices, lead times and rising inflation. At the same time, I am proud to look back on how our competent personnel dealt with the situation. When HydX is faced with challenges, we are good at finding the opportunities that changes bring and we focus on what we can impact. We have proven this many times over and 2023 is no exception. 

During a year in which the Swedish government declared that the Swedish economy is in a downturn, our customer base has gradually grown, and we have set a new turnover record. We are extremely proud of this and it would never have been possible without our competent employees who work together to help HydX grow.  
During 2023, our Stockholm office moved to new premises located centrally in Hammarby, Sjöstad, and we have begun the construction of our new headquarters in Ystad. This is one way of securing our operations; during our 14 years, we reached the limit of what we can handle at our current premises. To be able to grow in line with our ambitions, we also need the space to do it.  
The new headquarters will be located in the Öja business district outside Ystad, and they are adapted to our needs and contain close to 9,000 m2 of outdoor storage areas and our 4,400 m2 headquarters, of which 3,400 m2 is warehouses and production. The remaining 1,000 m2 will be office space. 
The construction project will be completed during autumn 2024. 
During 2023, we have continued to hire people and we plan to hire more during 2024. We also have a very successful collaboration with Ystads Gymnasium and the fourth-year technical students. It is one way of ensuring our competence in near-lying areas and we are happy that the co-operation has provided us with several employees who, with the help of experienced colleagues, have found their place on our team.  
We are now confidently looking forward to 2024, to turning fifteen, moving into our new premises and welcoming the Halmstad-based company Mobile Integrator to the HydX family. 
I would like to wish you Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year 2024. 
Mikael Andersson 

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Norra Zinkgatan 29
271 39 Ystad

+46 411-557180

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